Exposing Paraquat and Its Association With Parkinson’s Disease

Paraquat is a toxic chemical manufactured as an industrial-grade herbicide. Its effectiveness in weed and grass control make this herbicide one of the most widely used in the United States despite its extreme toxicity. Ingestion (swallowing), skin exposure, and inhalation are all potential ways in which a person can experience paraquat poisoning. In addition to the general adverse health effects caused by paraquat poisoning, research suggests that paraquat exposure is also associated with the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease. Many lawsuits have been filed against the manufacturers of Gramoxone and other paraquat herbicides for failing to warn about these dangers of paraquat usage.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies paraquat as “restricted use”, indicating that it can only be used by those who are licensed applicators. Farmers, herbicide applicators, and other individuals who are licensed may be at a higher risk of exposure.

Risks of Paraquat Exposure

Because of how extremely poisonous paraquat is, manufacturers add a blue dye, strong odor, and a chemical agent that induces vomiting to serve as warning signs for the toxin. Despite these safety measures, paraquat exposure can still occur through accidental ingestion, skin exposure, and inhalation. Ingestion of small amounts can lead to the development of the following adverse health effects:

  • Heart failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure
  • Lung scarring

The ingestion of large amounts of paraquat may lead to the following:

  • Confusion
  • Coma
  • Fast heart rate
  • Liver failure
  • Lung scarring
  • Muscle weakness
  • Respiratory (breathing) failure
  • Seizures

Other long-term health effects include lung damage, kidney failure, heart failure, esophageal scarring, and death.

Links Between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease

Aside from the general adverse health effects caused by paraquat exposure, recent research has also found relations between paraquat exposure and Parkinson’s Disease. Parkinson’s Disease is a chronic brain disorder that affects the nervous system and is characterized by the gradual loss of muscle and bodily control. Research suggests that the oxidative stress attributed to paraquat exposure can harm cellular structures. A 2017 published study in Nature Chemical Biology demonstrated this mechanism of paraquat-induced cell death, which plays a role in the development of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s is a degenerative disorder, meaning that symptoms gradually worsen over time as the disease progresses. Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease may exhibit symptoms such as shaking, stiffness, and difficulty walking and balancing.

Legal Help for Individuals Exposed to Paraquat Who Developed Parkinson’s Disease

An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you obtain compensation for injuries that might have resulted from paraquat exposure. At HFL, we listen to our client’s stories and take great care to consider the impact of their illnesses on their lives and families. No amount of compensation will make up for developing a life-changing illness, however holding the responsible parties accountable can help bring you peace of mind.

Contact Hendler Flores Law To Get the Help You Deserve

If you or someone you know was exposed to paraquat and have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, contact our attorneys to find out if you might have a legal claim against the manufacturers of paraquat. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

There is no cost or obligation if you call us for a case consultation. Email us at info@hendlerlaw.com or call 1.800.443.6353. Your story matters. Let us help you tell it.

To download a fact sheet about Paraquat, click here.
