Helping You Write Your Ideal Ending

Each day, millions of motorists travel on Texas roadways, and unfortunately, not all of them make it to their destination safely. Serious vehicle accidents can cause catastrophic and life-changing injuries or even death. When the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, it can compound the pain and suffering of loved ones. In our decades doing this work, we have witnessed first-hand not only the emotional impact these accidents have on families but also the ongoing day-to-day and financial challenges they often cause.

But amid the struggles you and your family may be facing, it’s important to know that you have legal options. At Hendler Flores Law, we make it our mission to listen to your concerns and your needs, and then we develop a unique legal strategy for your case. We are committed to honoring your story from the first moment you share it with us.

To download a fact sheet about Severe Vehicle Accidents, click here.

Working Tirelessly to Hold Negligent
Drivers Accountable

At HFL we don’t like to use the phrase “car accidents.” An “accident” implies that no one is at fault, yet almost all of the leading causes of car crashes result from careless or downright dangerous driving. When that is the case, there is no “accident,” and we act intentionally to hold responsible parties accountable for their actions that resulted in your life-changing injuries or catastrophic loss.

Some of the most common types of negligent driving behavior that leads to catastrophic collisions on our roadways includes: distracted driving, speeding, and impaired driving.

Distracted Driving

We’ve seen it all… from applying make-up, to eating or drinking, texting or using maps – any type of distracted driving makes a driver a significant hazard on the roadway. If a driver is doing anything other than looking forward, they’re distracted. Across the nation, distracted driving remains one of the most common causes of serious injuries and death as a result of vehicle crashes.


What might have been a minor incident turns into a major incident by adding speed. Speed limits exist for a reason and when a driver ignores or intentionally violates posted speed markers, they put all motorists at risk. Collisions at high rates of speed increase the probability of catastrophic injuries or death.

Impaired Driving

Driving while drunk or high is about as irresponsible as it gets. Cognitive functions are dulled when alcohol and/or drugs are present, which means you can’t make the proper decisions or react quickly enough to safely operate a motor vehicle. Without sound judgement and quick reflexes, drivers put themselves, their passengers and all other motorists at risk of serious injury and death.

If you’ve been involved in a vehicle collision or crash that resulted because of somebody else’s carelessness, negligence or outright risky behavior, we invite you to speak with an experienced member of our team.

Catastrophic Injuries Resulting from Trucking Accidents

When we say “trucking accidents” we’re not talking about a traditional pick-up truck, but rather large commercial vehicles such as a dump truck, fire truck, flatbed truck, garbage truck, cement truck, or transport truck. A crash with an 18-wheeler or semi-truck is likely to have more significant consequences given the size and weight of the truck. These large, heavy trucks take more time to stop so when there isn’t enough space, the impact of a collision with a standard vehicle can be catastrophic.

Let’s Talk About What Happened.
We Want to Hear Your Story.

If you or someone you love has suffered a life-changing injury as a result of a vehicle crash, we would like to help tell your story, hold the responsible parties accountable, and ensure you have the financial resources you need for your ongoing care. We will work together to offset the pain and suffering and loss of income you may have incurred as a result of your life-changing injuries.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. You may call us at 1-800.443.6353. Your story matters. Let us help you tell it.

To download a fact sheet about Severe Vehicle Accidents, click here.
