Helping You Discover Your Legal Options After Toxic Exposure 

In the United States, thousands of innocent people are exposed to toxic chemicals each year. It happens to workers just doing their jobs. It happens to mothers and fathers just cleaning their houses or tending to their yards. It happens to children just out playing in their communities. Often people don’t even realize they have been harmfully exposed until a disease or illness develops. We are here to help these people – innocent victims whose lives will never be the same because of negligent corporations valuing profits more than people. 

Types of Toxic or Chemical Exposure

Exposure to a dangerous chemical can happen at home, at work, or even in your neighborhood. For example, when a company fails to follow proper safety regulations for handling a certain herbicide or pesticide, they may pollute the air, soil, or water around their plants and factories, causing dangerous chemical exposure to families in surrounding communities. 

Time and time again, big corporations have endangered employees and the public by withholding or downplaying important safety information and deliberately continuing to use harmful chemicals in their products. At HFL, we are committed to holding these companies accountable, and we do that by helping you tell your story.

Chemical and Toxin Exposures Causing Illnesses

As science advances, we are learning more about the harmful effects of chemicals that are used in agriculture, pharmaceutical, construction, and other industries. Some of these toxins can trigger illness and deadly disease, even with limited exposure.

Exposure to a dangerous chemical or toxin generally occurs when the substance is swallowed, comes into contact with the skin, or is breathed into the lungs. Common chemicals and toxins that can cause severe illnesses include pesticides, herbicides, cleaning products, talcum powders, over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, and components of building products, such as asbestos.

Paraquat Lawsuits

Paraquat is a chemical used mainly for weed control as an alternative to RoundUp. It is known to be highly toxic and has been banned in 37 countries. In the US, paraquat is classified by the US Environmental Protection Agency as a “restricted use” product, meaning that it can only be used by licensed applicators. Even a small amount of paraquat can be dangerous, so applicators are at risk, as are people living or working in agricultural areas where the chemical can be transported fairly long distances by air or end up in the water supply. 

During the past 20 years, scientists have been examining the harmful effects of exposure to paraquat on humans, particularly the increased risk of Parkinson’s disease. Several of these studies indicate a significantly increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease due to exposure to paraquat. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement, leading to shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with walking, balancing, and coordination.

Since 2017, a growing number of paraquat lawsuits have been filed in the US against manufacturers of paraquat for illnesses resulting from exposure to brands such as Gramoxone, Blanco, Devour, Helmquat, Parazone, and others. If you or someone you know worked as an applicator of these products, or lives or works in an agricultural area and has developed Parkinson’s disease, contact us at HFL to learn more about your legal rights. 

DBCP and Pesticide Lawsuits

Dibromocholoropropane, commonly referred to as DBCP, is a pesticide that was banned in the US in 1977 because it was known to cause infertility, cancer, and other severe health problems. Despite knowing how dangerous it was, several US companies continued to use DBCP at their international plantations, devastating thousands of workers who suffered from sterility, sexual abnormalities, and a substantially increased risk of cancer of the testes, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. For almost 3 decades, HFL has been fighting in the courts on behalf of thousands of Central American farm laborers who were exposed to DBCP by negligent multinational corporations. 

Asbestos Exposure Lawsuits

Even a short period of exposure to asbestos can result in asbestosis, lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, or mesothelioma, a fatal form of cancer. Asbestos was commonly used as an insulator and flame retardant in a number of building products, automotive parts, industrial components, lab equipment, and textiles. 

Although the use of asbestos in the US was banned decades ago, exposure is still possible. It is important to test for asbestos when renovating old homes, working on vintage cars, and repairing industrial equipment because asbestos fibers can be released into the air, and then inhaled into the lungs. 

It’s also possible to become exposed to asbestos through imported products and components. Asbestos is still commonly used in countries outside the US, such as Russia, China, India, and Mexico. In recent years, asbestos has been detected in contaminated talc products, including baby powder and children’s makeup. 

Learn How Our Chemical Exposure Attorneys Can Help You

HFL is a boutique law firm with decades of experience representing families exposed to toxic chemicals in Texas, throughout the US, and internationally. As your legal representatives, we develop a custom legal strategy for your case based on your needs and interests. We are committed to holding these companies accountable, and we do that by helping you tell your story. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation, or call 1-800.443.6353.
