Supporting Families Dealing With Brain Injuries

Severe brain injuries are traumatic events that often have life-changing consequences for victims and their families. When the brain is traumatized, it can temporarily impair brain function, triggering headaches, fatigue, depression, and memory issues. More severe brain injuries can cause permanent damage and complex impairments, affecting an individual’s personality, interfering with the ability to reason, and affecting relationships with loved ones.

If you or someone you love has sustained a traumatic brain injury that resulted from negligent behavior or corporate misconduct, we are here to help. At Hendler Flores Law, our attorneys have decades of experience in complex personal injury cases. We can help you understand your legal options and represent you in filing a legal claim. Your story matters to us.

The Impact of Brain Injuries

Different parts of the brain control different functions. For example, your brain stem impacts your sleep and balance. Your occipital lobe is responsible for visual processing and the ability to read. Some of the most common traumatic brain injuries happen to the frontal lobe, which is responsible for movement and cognitive function. Cognitive function refers to critical mental skills such as the ability to learn, think, reason, remember, problem-solve, make decisions, and focus. 

Depending on where your brain is injured, losing one or more of these abilities could have a significant impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones. Vision loss, problems reading and writing, loss of mobility, and the inability to think and make decisions are some of the unfortunate side effects of traumatic brain injuries. These impairments might mean having to quit work and make changes in how you go about your daily life. They might mean becoming more dependent on your family to help support you financially and assist you with tasks such as dressing, preparing meals, and getting around. 

Legal Help for Brain Injury Survivors 

An experienced brain injury lawyer can help you fight for the compensation you will need to live the remainder of your life comfortably. At HFL, we have a reputation for aggressively negotiating settlements out of court, but we are always prepared to go to trial if necessary to ensure you obtain the compensation you deserve.

As your legal representatives, we will help you determine the financial impact of your injuries both up to the present date and looking ahead to the future. Establishing a just value for your brain injury takes into consideration the following: 

  • Medical expenses (past and future) 
  • Rehabilitation costs (past & future)
  • Lost wages (past & future)
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Pain and emotional suffering

Your Story Matters. Contact Us To Learn More About How We Can Help.

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious brain injury as the result of someone else’s negligence, contact the experienced brain injury attorneys at HFL today to schedule a free consultation. We’re here to listen and help you understand your legal options. There is a time limit for filing a lawsuit, so it’s important not to delay taking action. 

Contact us to schedule a free consultation. Email us at or call 1-800.443.6353. Your story matters. Let us help you tell it. 
