Your Story Matters
Let us help you tell it.

5 star REVIEWS

“Scott Hendler handled our famil[y’]s mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit in a very professional and expert manner. … [H]ard-working and honest, … Scott was always available when we had questions and kept us informed throughout the process and counseled with us on all critical decisions. He showed true concern for our... Reggy Taylor, Client

PoweringPeople to Challenge Injustice

Every person – the parents, spouses, children, and friends – who calls our office has a story to share about their loved one, and the cornerstone of our personal injury practice is honoring that story. At Hendler Flores Law, we amplify your voice, powering you and your loved ones to challenge injustice after a life-changing event. When you work with our experienced personal injury team you’ll find comfort, connection, and closure in what we understand is a challenging chapter of your life.


Free & Confidential Consultation


No Costs or Fees Unless We Win


Virtual Meetings


Nationwide Representation

You have a story

it's our job to honor it

Widow Left to Provide for 3 Daughters After Losing Husband to Mesothelioma

Hendler Flores Law represented the family of a decorated Navy Veteran who was exposed to asbestos while serving on a warship in Vietnam. He later died from mesothelioma, leaving his wife to provide for their 3 young daughters. Scott Hendler and co-counsel Michael Brickman negotiated several settlements with asbestos companies for the family, and also won a $13.8 million verdict against Owens Corning Fiberglas, a company that made asbestos pipe covering for Navy vessels. The compensation recovered was more than enough to secure the financial future of the family.

$13.8 Million Jury Verdict in Mesothelioma Death
Financial Security for the Family

Thousands of Central American Banana Workers Develop Sterility from Toxic Pesticide

For more than 3 decades, Scott Hendler has been seeking justice for thousands of Central American banana plantation workers who developed sterility and other severe illnesses after being exposed to a dangerous chemical called DBCP. Even though the chemical had been banned in the US, several US-based multinational corporations continued to use it at their international plantations. Despite numerous legal obstacles and devious tactics by defendants, Scott continues to fight for these victims' rights.

Precedent-Setting US Supreme Court Victory
One of the Most Litigated Toxic Tort Cases in History

New Mexico Family Loses 2 Teenage Daughters in Collision With Drunk Driver

Hendler Flores Law and co-counsel represented a Navajo family that was involved in a catastrophic collision with an impaired driver. The driver had been drinking for several hours at 2 different establishments before getting behind the wheel. Two teenage girls were killed in the crash, which also left other family members critically injured. Our litigation team filed several lawsuits on behalf of the family, recovering a total of $30 million in compensation and securing seed money for the establishment of a charity foundation in honor of the family.

$30 Million Recovery in Impaired Driving Case
Establishment of Charitable Foundation


For Your Ideal Ending

Getting the best possible outcome in complex legal cases requires a delicate balance of skill and creativity. Your story is unique and so too will be the way we work up your case. Unlike large firms that process cases in batches, we are committed to building strong individual cases, making tough demands on the defendants, and securing the legal solutions our clients want (and need).

Our personal injury attorneys represent you based on your interests, not ours. Your goals form our strategy.
They may be:

You want to make sure what happened to you or your loved one never happens to anyone else. Our cases often impact corporate behavior and influence public policy.

You want to hold companies, individuals, and manufacturers accountable for their negligent actions. We’ve spent 30 years relentlessly taking on corporate giants.

You need support after a catastrophic injury or loss of a loved one. We’ve helped hundreds of people like you get through this.

You want to be heard and understood. We really listen. Your story matters. It deserves to be told.

You want financial compensation for medical costs and other expenses resulting from your injury, illness or loss. We will not rest until we get you the best possible recovery.

How we can


The Hendler Flores Law team can help clients who speak Spanish, French, Farsi, and Swahili as well as those with hearing loss.


we want you to know

After nearly three decades of working with people in crisis, we’ve learned a few things...
Mural by Chris Rogers in memory of Mike Ramos, HFL client killed by police in 2020

There is no greater power than speaking your truth.

We understand it can feel overwhelming to consider taking legal action, but holding responsible parties accountable for their misconduct can bring tremendous peace of mind. Knowing that some measure of justice has been served, and that your actions might help prevent similar tragedies from happening to other families can be a great source of comfort during this difficult time.

One bad chapter doesn’t mean the story is over.

If you are here, considering legal action, you are likely in crisis. You may be in pain or grieving. You may be angry and feeling powerless. But it’s important to realize that a tough part of your life is just that – one part. Let us help you write a better ending to this story.

Tai Ceti mural by Josef Kristofoletti. A tribute to important Black & Latino figures in Austin
Forever Bicycles art installation in Austin, TX, by Ai Weiwei, contemporary artist and human rights activist

Everyone deserves respect.

Every person in this country has fundamental legal rights afforded to them, and every person in this country deserves to exercise them. We all deserve respect and consideration, and at Hendler Flores Law you can expect to be heard and to be treated with dignity and courtesy from our initial call to our closing meeting.


we want you to know

After nearly three decades of working with people in crisis, we’ve learned a few things...

There is no greater power than speaking your truth.

We understand it can feel overwhelming to consider taking legal action, but holding responsible parties accountable for their misconduct can bring tremendous peace of mind. Knowing that some measure of justice has been served, and that your actions might help prevent similar tragedies from happening to other families can be a great source of comfort during this difficult time.

One bad chapter doesn’t mean the story is over.

If you are here, considering legal action, you are likely in crisis. You may be in pain or grieving. You may be angry and feeling powerless. But it’s important to realize that a tough part of your life is just that – one part. Let us help you write a better ending to this story.

Everyone deserves respect.

Every person in this country has fundamental legal rights afforded to them, and every person in this country deserves to exercise them. We all deserve respect and consideration, and at Hendler Flores Law you can expect to be heard and to be treated with dignity and courtesy from our initial call to our closing meeting.

“Scott Hendler handled our famil[y’]s mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit in a very professional and expert manner. … [H]ard-working and honest, … Scott was always available when we had questions and kept us informed throughout the process and counseled with us on all critical decisions. He showed true concern for our...

Reggy Taylor, Client

Advocates for Change

That Matters

We recognize as lawyers the unique platform we have for enacting real change in our community – in fact that’s what inspired many of us to become lawyers in the first place. We are passionate about using our legal standing to develop and support social, economic, environmental, and cultural policies and practices throughout Texas (and beyond) that make communities more safe and fair. Social justice, equity activism, community action, and cultural awareness are some of the movements we care deeply about and tirelessly fight for day in and day out. Challenging injustice is what we do.

Learn More